Indian Culture: A Great Mosaic of Diversity

With its large geography and long history, India has witnessed different things happening at different points of time. These changes have brought significant changes in the country's culture. However, whatever the people and culture entered India were absorbed or they assimilated the existing Indian ethos. This is one of the most important features of Indian culture.

India thrives as a robust country despite varying cultures among people across the country. Pluralism is one of the main features of Indian culture. The various groups such as men, women, racial, age, profession, ethnic and language groups make Indian culture a rich social mosaic.
With such diversity in the society, the way of life that people lead in general varies according to the location.

Ethnic and religious diversity
There are people from different religions - Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Jainism, and Buddhism and others. Each of them has a distinct way of life. Yet, there is absolute harmony among people.
Accordingly, wedding rituals vary across religions in the country. Thus, while Hindu wedding rituals are based on caste, wedding among Muslims differs depending on the regions across the country.

Linguistic diversity
Further, languages also differ across the country. Officially, there are 29 official languages recognized by the Constitution Hindi and English being the official languages of India. There is nothing like ‘National Language’. Also, there are hundreds of languages spoken by a small number of people but don’t have any script.
A vast number of people in the country speak English making it the second largest country in terms of the number of English-speaking people.

Food and clothing
As food and clothing, there is a great variety. And, there’s hardly any cap as to what kind of clothes one should wear every day.
When you travel across the country, you’ll also find great architectural pieces in different styles according to the history and culture of the region. The architectural monuments are a great proof of the past – our culture, lifestyle and leisure, food, the way of worshiping and so on.