Quotes: A great Source of Inspiration for All

Life is the confluence of ups and downs, joy and grief and similar pair of opposite situations. When everything is fine, we often take things for granted. It's the trouble times when we encounter situation that looks for some kind of boost from people around us. Or, we can also take inspiration from people of the past whether it’s from yester years or the yore – from the Bible, the Vedic scripture and other authenticated sources. Quotes provide the critically needed boost that inspires us to move ahead.

Why quotes
The benefits of inspirational quotes is that they give the inspiration and make us committed to a cause.

Inspirational quotes whether said by great people or illustrated from an original source when read or listened to are beneficial for the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the part of the brain that is the source of your creativity.
It's likely to help people who are affected with a completely negative thought and would be imbibed to excel with the right kind of quotation. Be it tiny tots, school-going children, growing teens, the middle aged or the elderly, inspiring quotes would go a long way to prompt them to action.

Great quotes come from people when they are at a momentous point in life, or from a situation that led to a great discovery, invention, achievement or winning a race, contest, and the like.

Here is a quote from the Quran: So verily with the hardship there is relief, verily with the hardship there is relief – Quran Ch 94:5-6
This is one of the most beautiful and inspiring quotes from the Quran. The quote means, for every problem, there is a solution, and sees everything positive and thus urges us to move forward.

How Wishapp helps

Wishapp looks forward to improve relationship in everyday life. We have great collection of quotes from great people, Take a look at the quotes at Wishapp, get inspired. Read, enjoy and share them among friends, followers, quotes among others.